There are some important herbs which will help for the growth of your hair.
They are as follows:
Rosemary: This herb enhances good, healthy and growing hair. It helps in darkening of hair and is mostly recommended by many beauticians and dermatologists. It also helps in controlling dandruff.
Sage: This is the herb which prevents your scalp getting infected by pollution or dust and also by any other chemicals. This herb also solves dandruff problems and provides color to your hair.
Burdock root: This is very useful for healthy hair and also prevents hair fall.
Chamomile: Mainly used for growth of healthy hair.
Apart from these, Herbs that are helpful for healthy hair are mulberries, marigold, stinging nettle, horse tail, southern wood. Always try to prefer the hair products, which are made with these herbs.
How to treat healthy hair with home remedies?
Drink tea infused with nettle leaves when ever you feel stress and tiredness. This can prevent your hair fall. You can also use this infusion to rinse your hair.
Chamomile tea acts as a good conditioner for blond hair. To get extra shine, add one teaspoon of lemon juice to it.
For dry hair, infusion of elder flower and sage helps to moist your hair.
If your hair is greasy or oily, lavender or lemon balm rinse can help in controlling the sebum production in your scalp.
Sage and rosemary rinse is useful to color your gray hair. It gives a brown touch to your hair.
Leaves of hibiscus plant helps in strengthening your hair and also makes your hair soft. Flowers of this plant are very useful in the growth of healthy hair.
Paste of fenugreek seeds and hibiscus leaves is also useful in growth of health hair.
Developing healthy and good food habits is always essential to maintain good health and by maintaining these habits you can also avoid hair fall.
Take food which is rich in proteins and nutrients. Iron is very essential for the growth of healthy hair. So it is always important to add more iron contents in your diet.
Exercise daily for at least 15-20 minutes. Daily exercising not only avoids hair fall but it is also essential for good health.
Avoid doing chemical work to your hair like permanent hair straightening or dying your hair unnecessarily.
For any type of hair; dry, oily, silky or curly, it is always essential to maintain healthy hair to look more beautiful and attractive. By following these tips, you can get a certain level of confidence of having healthy hair, which can give best look to your hair.