Saturday, August 8, 2009

ow-a-days majority of us have the problem of unwanted warts. They appear just at places where we hate to see them there.

Yes, these really bother us and annoy us sometimes with their appearance at most eye catching places.

Warts usually are not dangerous, but they can be bothersome. You will be surprised to know that some warts are not so good signal at all. As we all know that warts are infectious growths that are caused by a virus. They can appear anywhere on the body. These may specify some signal which may not be so good at times, this depends on places were you encounter them.

Know this! Most of the warts are contagious. They can spread to other places on the person who has them, and they can be spread from person to person. But this fact depends on person immune system as some may be more susceptible and some may be resistant to warts. They seem to come and go for little reason, and they appear to be sensitive to slight changes in the immune system.

You can even try some home treatments for these warts.

Remember that warts can be removed by your doctor but they also some back. Warts appear and disappear spontaneously. They can last a week, a month, or even years. To get rid of your warts, it helps to believe in the treatment. If something works for you, stick with it.

Try the least expensive method of treating warts that you can think of. You may save a trip to your doctor.
Try this Out! If the wart is in the way, reduce its size with a pumice stone or an over-the-counter salicylic acid solution (Compound W). This drug can be irritating in high concentrations; you may need to use a milder form for a longer period of time.
If you find the wart bleeding a little, then cover it with a bandage and apply light pressure to stop the bleeding.
If you use a pumice stone, both the scrapings from the wart and the area of the pumice stone that touched the wart can be infectious. Remember not to touch these surfaces and dispose them safely.
At night apply salicylic acid solution to the wart, and rub off the whitened skin in the morning. Diabetic or peripheral vascular disease patients should not use this tip.
Apply a doughnut-shaped pad to cushion the wart and relieve pain.
Never Do This! Yes, don’t cut or bum off a wart.

A doctor should be consulted if the condition gets out of control. The conditions may include:

If a wart looks infected (increasing pain, swelling, redness, warmth, or discharge of pus) after being irritated or knocked off then consult a doctor immediately.
Plantar warts appear on the soles of the feet. Most of the wart lies under the skin surface, so it may feel like you are walking on a pebble. If a plantar wart is painful when you walk, foam pads do not help. If a wart causes continual discomfort, or if warts are numerous enough to be a problem.
Beauty Concern! If a wart develops on the face and is a cosmetic concern.
If you have warts in the anal or genital area don’t neglect as genital and anal warts are easily spread through sexual contact and may increase the risk of cervical cancer.
So now you know how you can treat warts at home and how important it is to go to your doctor for consultation when things become out of control.

Are Warts Bothering You?

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