The only thing worse than reoccurring acne, is the scars that it can often leave behind on the face.
Science does not have a clear answer for why some people develop acne scars and some people do not, but one thing is for sure, if you suffer from them they can be quite bothersome.
Most likely acne scarring occurs when acne is deeper in the skin and is a form known as inflammatory nodulocystic. Sometimes acne scarring may also be the result of lesions that are superficial but highly inflamed on the skin.There are two prominent forms of acne scarring. The first is one that is caused, known as an ice-pick scar and can look somewhat like a small dent in your face or wherever the scar is located on your body. They are usually smaller and have an uneven edge and develop in an array of several different depths.
If they are soft to the touch sometimes stretching the skin can help improve how noticeable they are but larger ice pick scars with steep sides may be much more noticeable and less easy to fix. Usually however, larger ice pick scars appear in other areas of the body not the face.
The second type of acne scarring is known as keloid scars which are formed when there is an increase in tissue and collagen produced by the body to help aid damaged skin cells.
In other words, these scars are most likely to form if you pick a pimple because you activated the skin’s natural response mechanism to damaged cells.
Unfortunately, while this temporarily may help in the long run, too much collagen is released and it becomes a fibrous mass that is firm and an odd shape that rests on your face or other areas of your body.
Generally speaking, there are three ways that you can help reduce the appearance of acne scarring on your face. The first is visiting a dermatologist who will numb your face with a local anesthetic and use a vibrating circular brush to remove damaged skin and blend the lines of the scars back into the face. This treatment is not recommended for people with deeper scars or with dark skin as it may alter pigmentation.
The second treatment is more for people with deep scars and utilizes fat that is stored in your body. During the treatment excess fat is infected into the skin surface to help smooth out sunken scars and make them less noticeable.
People with ice pick scars often find that this treatment is successful but due to shifting skin patterns it will have to be repeated every six to 18 months. Also commonly used are collagen injections which can help stretch out some surface acne scars.
Dealing With Ice Pick Scars Caused By Acne
Skin Problems
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