Saturday, August 8, 2009

Eye makeup can make or break your entire image from the second you step out the door.

Since most people maintain eye contact while speaking to other people your eye makeup is the one area of your face that you can guarantee people will notice.

In order to make sure that the image you have for yourself matches the one that others see, you will have to learn how to properly put on your eye makeup, especially if you are headed out to a fancy occasion such as a wedding or prom. To help you achieve this look here are a few helpful guidelines.Before you can begin to do your eye makeup, you need to decide what look or image you want to radiate out to other people throughout the night.

Do you want to look sultry or sweet or innocent or devious? Once you have an image in mind the easiest way to recreate on your eyes is to choose a model or celebrity that radiates this image and copy their eye makeup style.

Keep in mind however that you must choose a model that has the same hair color and skin tone as you in order to get the same effect as different colors play differently on different hair colors and skin tones.

The truth about makeup is that you want one area of your face to be overstated and the rest to lay low or else you may end up looking like a drag queen. Thus, before you start to put on eye makeup you need to decide which facial feature you want to stand out, your eyes, cheeks, or lips. [Eye Makeup Tips]

Whichever area you choose you can attack with a vengeance and spirited colors, while the other two areas should have light subtle makeup colors to downplay their existence.

Many people get confused when it comes to using foundation around the eyes. Many people skip foundation in favor of concealer for dark eye circles or other blemishes while others choose to use entirely too much foundation.

If you really want your eyes to stand out less makeup is always better because you can allow the natural colors of your eyes to come out via the eye makeup accents. A tip for youngsters is your skin should be fresh enough to glow from your youth so barring major acne concerns, go all natural!

After this, the tones you use should reflect the event you are attending. For a night at the club or a prom look you may want to choose dark colors as they tend to be more dramatic and lusty.

On the flip side, soft light colors are fantastic for events such as a christening, wedding, or any other joyous occasion.

How To Decide On Eye Makeup For Different Occasions?

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