Saturday, August 8, 2009

Having black hair? Are you worried about natural black hair care? No need to worry about the hair care.

Natural black hair care is not an easy task, but if you follow proper way, you can retain your black hair.

Combing or brushing? Brushing with soft brush does less damage than combing.

But, prolonged brushing can also damage your hair. If you are doing back combing, it also damages your hair.

The scales of the cuticle are ruffled which causes knotting and is difficult to straighten out.You should not comb or brush wet hair because your hair sticks together when wet and great force is required to brush or comb it.

This causes great damage to your hair. The bonds which are responsible for the strength of your hair are broken temporarily when the hair is wet. It makes wet hair weak and can be broken easily when you comb or brush.

When you are selecting the comb, see that the comb should not have sharp teeth and should be round. The ends of the brush should also be round so that you can minimize the damage.

Choosing a shampoo for natural black hair care! The shampoo you are selecting for natural black hair care should clean and beautify your hair. Shampoo should be selected by the performance but not by its appearance, color, or perfume.

The shampoo should clean and rinse your hair making your hair smooth. Whenever you are selecting a shampoo, keep in mind your hair type such as dry, normal or oily hair.

Shampoos can be used for hair wash because there will be no harsh detergents present in it. The main problem with shampooing is caused by rubbing the hair for drying because it causes mechanical abrasion.

Washing your hair for natural black hair care! Everyone has doubt that how many times in a week hair should be washed. It depends on your hair type, scalp and environment. (Problems with Washing Hair)

If you have greasy hair, frequent washing is needed. Wash your hair three to four times a week if you are working in a polluted environment. If you shampoo frequently, there is no harm for your hair.

Conditioners for natural black hair care! Conditioners just help to smooth your hair. Conditioners help in restoring the acidic film which is decreased during shampooing. Use conditioner after shampooing your hair.

Rinse the conditioner well otherwise your hair appears greasy. If you have thin hair, using conditioner softens the hair too much. Check the labels before selecting the conditioner and see that chemicals are in less concentration.

Natural black hair care with home remedies! Tea water, lime juice and vinegar are used as good rinses for your hair. If you have dry hair, massage it with lukewarm almond oil. Apply five tablespoons of honey on the scalp. Lastly apply turban therapy. After one hour, shampoo your hair.

For oily hair, mix one teaspoon of aloe vera gel and one teaspoon of lemon juice with one-fourth of shampoo and use this mixture to rinse your black hair regularly.

Natural Black Hair Care

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