Saturday, August 8, 2009

It is essential to bath daily for the protection of your skin.

Bath salts are nothing but, the salts which are necessary for your skin and body for various purposes.

Basically, the bath salts consist of various salts in mineral form such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc.These are all used for bathing purposes that’s why they are named as bath salts. The most common bath salt is Epsom salt, which contains high magnesium sulfate in it.

These salts will be absorbed by your skin during bath by relaxing your muscles and by drawing out toxins. Usage of bath salts for your bath will give you a calm and tranquil experience.

Bath salts mixed with herbs will give good smell and they can be used for aromatherapy. This process will promote relaxation and calmness to your mind and body.

The benefits of using bath salts in your bath are as follows:

  • Bath salts will reduce tenderness in your body.
  • These salts will ease the stiff and sore muscles.
  • They will increase the blood circulation in your body.
  • They will aid in exfoliation.
  • These salts will keep your mind and body fresh.
  • They will improve the appearance of scars in your body.
  • The patients who are suffering with muscle spasms, back pains and arthritis are advised to use bath salts while bathing.
  • They will reduce the minor rashes present in your body such as insect bites, small rash produced while itching etc.
  • It is easy to make bath salts at your home. The various methods of preparing bath salts at home are described as follows:

The simplest way of preparing bath salts is mixing of different substances such as baking soda, Epsom salt or Dead Sea salt by adding essential oils and coloring.
The short and entirely different process of preparing bath salts is mixing four different substances such as distilled water, unscented shampoo, essential oils and glycerin.
The long process of preparing bath salts requires corked container, sunflower oil and essential oils. First you have to pour sunflower oil into the container by adding few tea spoons of essential oil into it. Leave this mixture without disturbing for some days. You should shake the container at regular intervals. After some days you can use this for bathing. You can add some sea shells and crystals to look this more attractive and pleasing to eyes.
Scented bath salts can also be made easily. These scented salts will give a good smell and these are also useful for aromatherapy. The scented bath salts will be made from the salts which will give good fragrance. Healthy ingredients will also be added into these salts.
Hence by the above methods you can prepare bath salts easily at your home. These bath salts are the essential salts that are used for protection of skin from various skin disorders. Usage of bath salts in your bath will not cause any problem to your skin.

Bath Salts Are Necessary For Your Skin And Body

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